정말 ..미쳤다..(真的疯了)

Thursday 6 January 2011

i really thinking that i am crazy
i have nothing to do today..
feel bored to watch tv
feel bored to play games
feel bored to take photo

i have nothing to do.
i open up my sejarah book 
chapter 9 which is my teach is going discuss with us
i translate it into chinese and type in microsoft
going to print out soon

but isn't whole chapter 9
just until 9.2.

i have confident that my teacher is not going to 9.3 
this week
i giving myself to understand what is chapter 9 about.

i really hope have a book which is about form 5 Sejarah
and it is in chinese version.

have this kind book appear in bookstoree?
all is in malay version.

i wondering how the books like in keat hwa or sin min