First time bbQ!

Friday 27 July 2012

now only i know i always thought i already updated my blog last week about utar run,but actually i didnt post up it ==
crazy ar,so long jor..

everyday busy about the assignments,midterm .finally we got a week without test~and i forgotten to updated.
now even forgot when it is utar run already.

the first time i join the bbq party,actually is held by our friend
just for our tutorial group.
first time leh,i prepared the ingredients with them,and light the fire up.
very excited.

wednesday we went to tesco and buy the ingredients
i dont know what should we buy and what we needs
but now i know jor :PP

when i speak, about buy too much they just like u held before meh bbq?
i just ..shaking my hand. nope.>.<~
 Futing fetched us to McD and lakeside  do something very important in the bbq
we cant held bbq if without it...XD

6pm i go help them at friend house,light the fire
and i use the newspaper that we use it for our critical thinking presentation to make the charcoal hot.
stupid me. my group members was there and said i am the backstabber inside the group =='

very funny, and i am one of the chef at the bbq
first time leh,everything first time.
just a learner.

really happened team work when we're bbq
helping each other, and we shared the same food even she ate half of it but we just eat nia~ and wanted someone to feed us XD

then come out BO JIO whenever they feed others and not us XD

after  our bbq party, we just come some idea to play truth or dare
and last became only Dare!
 Gods,crazy things coming out when we playing only dare

the photos can never upload to facebook,or not we gonna die
as Miao xian favourite -- YOU WILL DIE.

back almost 1am, very fun
very glad to know everyone of them.
thanks guys giving me suchh good memories

first time my bbq party habis jor.