skyping with you,Yew ivy

Saturday, 17 March 2012

hee,we chatting through skype
and the first time we broke our records
it's 2 hours 20 minutes and 4 seconds

she not only broke our records and also my records
the longest time ever i've been talk in skype

it's really excited when we found out the time is going 2 hours
actually we just aim for 2 hours
while we talking,we forgot about the times

we talk everything,just like every best friend do
about work,salary (for everyone favourite question)
about work problem,peoples attitude,we even share lots of quotes
there are good but when those quotes we read sounds funny
at last we finally talk about our future way

what course i am going taking and what about you,
whaat is the difference between this and that?
we just talk,and everything

we know each other for over 4 years,right?err

we are not closed like ..twins
we just normal but we still care about each other

she got her friend to join ,same goes with mine
but sometimes we still gather,and heart talk :P


ElainezNingz said...

Hmm....very long conversation~haha