FreeDom Dom Dom

Monday, 25 October 2010


After almost a month we had suffer being study all day long..
and now Finally ..
we get released by final examination. =)

Suddenly i feel my shoulder lighter a  lot! xD


Now i have so much of free time to play computer,ps 2,and so on ..

im sooo soo crazyy now~!haha

tomorrow we gonna return our text book,
oh,my dear text book,

im so so sad that you going leave me and make my shoulder lighter

and i so sad that not touch you anymore about tingkatan 4 books ..(Lying)

by the way..

i need to face the fact that you're leaving me ~

so i will face the world without you happily

don't ever think about me =)

thanks form 4 text books

i love you.


Freedom is with me

